Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Beauty is in the Eye or the Beholder, or is it?

Beauty is subjective; meaning, beauty isn't a fact. However, through media, social interactions and what we see in magazines, we have almost been 'programmed' to all see beauty similarly. This can happen with love. The way we 'view' or 'see' love, through how it is portrayed in books, movies and real life is what many of us begin to define love as.

"I believe that... how many understand "love" today in society, is an example of how large groups of people can come to "misunderstand" very important things in our lives." Chapter 1, The Beginning: What is Love?, The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage

One can imagine how having an 'incorrect' view on love can reek havoc on marriages in America... because we see it happening today. With over half of all marriages ending in divorce, it's safe to say that, "the way the majority of us view love" is incorrect. Something needs to change our 'view' of love in order to have an accurate 'paradigm' (how we as individuals see, experience, or understand the world we live in). 

"How we "see" or "view" these subjective things, determines how we "act and/or "react," to the many and varied things that "happen" in our lives. Chapter 1, The Beginning: What is Love?, The 3 Lost Keys... to your Amazing Dream Marriage.

Exactly. Let's throw the word 'love' in the above quote. Read it through. How we see or view love determines how we act or react to the many and varied things that happen in our lives. Especially relative to the marriage relationship. And if we view love the way the world does, as an emotion rather than a choice for example, then we will react to our spouse being grumpy as them not loving us anymore, get angry back at them, etc, etc. Having an incorrect view of love, and what it really is, can be a dangerous way to enter a marriage; and also makes it nearly impossible to stay in one for the long haul. Hence why so many call it quits these days. 

In the revolutionary new book, The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage, "love" and what it means in the marriage relationship is described in depth - in an easy to read, easy to comprehend way to begin using in your everyday life. There are three key principles nearly lost to this generation, which when accepted with an open and willing heart, will literally transform your marriage. Put your marriage before anything else this Christmas season and buy the book that many call 'life-changing' and the book that helped saved their marriage. Click HERE to purchase it TODAY.

Just $9.99 on Ebook, or $14.99 paperback!!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Farmers: The Secret Only They Know About Marriage

Every farmer knows the secret to a great harvest. The seed must first die. Then, and only then... it brings forth abundant and multiple fruit.

"The grain must first be harvested, and then die,and then and only then, can it be planted, watered and finally bring forth more grain..." Chapter 9, The Amazing Process, The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage

This process of planting a harvest can be likened to a marriage relationship. In our culture, the idea that 'it's all about you' or selfishness, or 'getting what you want', often becomes the theme of the marriage.  But farmers know a secret about farming, and marriage, that blows this idea right out of the water. 

"...because the natural process of dying, in order to bring forth abundant fruit... is real. And it is amazing." Chapter 9, The Amazing Process, The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage

Farmers know that giving... equals growth. Dying equals fruit. It's a beautiful and wonderful thing to witness during Fall. The leaves turning color and falling to the ground, look like they are giving up. But what we soon forget and fail to often see, is that in dying, the tree can have life again. And many more multiples of it in fact. The following Spring and for a hundred more Springs, the tree which was first a sapling, will soon be a Sycamore with many branches and leaves so thick that even the sun's rays can not break through. That's what a dream marriage can look like. A growing, thriving, beautiful tree, big and strong, for year after year after year. Farmers all know this secret, and now... you can too.
Download TODAY for just $9.99!!

Want to learn more about how you can have your very own dream marriage? Read more in our book The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage. The authors share more than 38 years of a thriving marriage, and they beautifully reveal the keys to their success within the pages of this "LIFE-CHANGING" book.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Sharing of Emotions: Not Just for Women

Believe it or not, most men in a committed relationship desire to have times of sharing their feelings with their significant other.  They want to feel close to you emotionally and not only sexually. It's just that getting there, that can be more difficult for men. 
'While women generally can go from... "Hi honey, how was work today?" ... to, "Can we share our hearts and innermost emotions with each other and hold each other, and love each other and really connect babe?", in a few moments... men often need some time." The Wives part... A Very Important Dynamic! The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage

We've all had the 'How was your day, honey' conversation somehow turn into an argument. Women, often want to delve into the emotional highs and lows of their day and have their man sit and really listen, nod his head, furrow his brow at just the right moments while we pour out our hearts. Men, (because of stress, exhaustion or a number of other factors) often want some time to unwind, and forget about the stressful things for a while and simply enjoy being home. It's no secret that women have a much greater need to "connect", especially with that one who they love. And it's not that men don't want to share their hearts and lives, but they just sometimes need some help getting there.

Men are solvers. They can not help but hear a problem and want to fix it. Women like to vent and want that closeness with their man. Often, men get in trouble and sound insensitive when they simply try to fix their wives' 'problems' when she just wanted his understanding. It's not that men are incapable of intimate sharing and having times of emotional closeness which women so desire. As we said, they just need a helping hand. 
"Ladies... your job is to find out what... "softens him up." from Chapter 14 of The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage
Just $9.99 for the EBook and $14.99 for  Paperback!!

Women are uniquely equipped for this. That is, finding a way to make it easy for him to open up and share. Maybe you have to wait for him to finish dinner or put the kids to bed before opening up and attempting that "connection." But if you want to help your man reach deeper and deeper depths of emotional oneness with you, he needs your unique assistance. In our book, The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage, we share three principles which can not only help with the issue of emotional intimacy, but will also help you and your spouse be on your way to a marriage relationship you've always dreamed about.

Don't wait another day! Learn the three keys which have all but been lost to our generation. Every day these life-changing key principles are helping men and women all across the country work towards the marriage relationship of their dreams! 

Find out more at:

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Newly Engaged: Want to Make a Few Minutes Last a Lifetime?

Struggling through a marriage and eventually getting a divorce is sadly the case for many marriages today in America. The debris afterwards are children left to wonder what happened and two broken hearts. Still, against all odds, many children of divorce grow up hoping for a dream marriage themselves and even after a few failed marriages, their parents still hope for a marriage relationship which will fulfill them and make them happy.

"Virtually every couple these days starts out together intending to live that dream marriage relationship they so fervently hope for when they are young." The Statistical Facts Today The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Forever Dream Marriage

A common headline after a few years of marriage reads: "Recently married couple infatuated with each other unexpectedly call it quits when their romantic feelings and emotional euphoria wear off". The truth is, those 'feelings' of romance will ebb and flow like the ocean. Even those convinced their 'love' would last forever, learn that emotions are difficult to sustain. True love, however, is sustainable and can not, or rather should not be confused with infatuation, which is what so many people call 'love' these days.

If you are getting married, soon to be engaged or perhaps in a 'struggling' marriage, then we encourage you to read our short, to the point, work on 3 lost key principles to understanding, and eventually apprehending, your own amazing dream marriage. 

Just $9.99 for an eBook and $14.99 hard copy!!
Available on Kindle or click here!

The authors, sharing over 37 years of marriage, have plainly and beautifully revealed the keys to their success within the pages of this incredible and life-changing book. It's the book of our age which will revolutionize marriages all across the country. If you and your fiance, or spouse, have open hearts and truly want to have a marriage that lasts a lifetime, then do not wait another day and click here to learn how. 

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

There is More... to Marriage

For those of you who have children, you know seeing their faces for the first time was one of the most amazing moments ever... and then watching that child grow up and bonding with them is indescribable. Literally. If you try to describe what this feels like to another person who has yet to have children, it is extremely difficult for them to imagine. First off, they get stuck for a while, a long while, on what would my kid even look like? 

The same goes for an amazing dream marriage that we all so strongly desire. Until we have discovered the 'mystery' of two becoming one, can we fully understand it? Just like our friend who has yet to experience children can not fully understand what having them is like, is understanding and apprehending a dream marriage unattainable?  

Having said that however, does not mean you cannot understand how to get there and what it takes to understand it and therefore to apprehend it for yourself. Chapter 5, Only 'True' Love Endures The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage. 

There can be so much more to your marriage. In our book, The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage, we have three life-changing principles spelled out in easy to understand language, which you can apply to your marriage today. 

Don't wait another moment and get your copy on any tablet, phone or E-reader today for just $9.99!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

What Happens When We Try to Fix our Marriage Without The Right Tools

Jane- The 'Fixer'

Jane was frustrated. John was so dense. Their marriage was falling apart. She was once so infatuated with him. Now, she saw him clearly and wasn't sure if she wanted to remain married. She never complained about anything, yet he never asked how she was. She was not okay. Searching the internet, she found the information overwhelming for how to improve their marriage. Her heart yearned for more, but would that ever happen? She began delving into chores around the house hoping he would notice and he didn't...

John- 'The Average Joe..'

John was put off. His wife suddenly was not the carefree woman he married. She used to make his heart race and now she was constantly trying to outdo him. Like their marriage was some sort of competition she could win. She never asked him to help her, but would angrily complete the dishes every night. One thing was for sure, she was angry all the time. John couldn't figure out why. He wanted to help her, but clueless as to how, John just went about his business.

Jane and John are a tragic, yet common story of what has become the norm in our society. Two people, barely surviving, in a marriage relationship. Jane, like many women want to 'fix' their marriage while men, like John, can be emotionally clueless to their wives' needs.

There is HOPE! The right tools, (defined as "understandings") combined with willing and open hearts, can bring about an amazing, dream marriage relationship. 

Love's true definition, along with 3 key principles to help you begin to understand the way a marriage can thrive, are revealed in The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage. These keys are all but lost, but now in this life-changing, revolutionary new book of our age you can learn about, and apply these simple, but profound, principles to your marriage today. 

We invite you to get your own copy today! 


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Blindfold of Infatuation: Its Time to Take it Off

The feeling of love is amazing, isn't it? The feeling when your heart leaps each time you see that person who makes you feel like you're walking on air... the joy you feel when they say your name or that they love you... 

"To become head over heels for someone to the point of losing rational judgement; to become 'titillated', enraptured or starry eyed about them, and to become romantically and intimately drawn to them and to develop a strong desire for them." Chapter 4 Infatuation, The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage.

That's how we describe love on television, in movies, books and even to each other anyways. However, we are doing ourselves and each other a terrible injustice. These adjectives and descriptions laid out above define INFATUATION, not love. 

Take the blindfold of infatuation off and see it for what it really is: an inconsistent, (albeit very fun) emotion. One which comes and goes, like waves in the ocean. It can be there one minute... and gone the next. If love were infatuation, can you imagine what marriages would look like? We would have a lot of divorces...  Okay, so I am being sarcastic. THIS is why we have so many divorces as so many people associate these romantic feelings of ecstasy as being love. Therefore, when they come and ... then ... go, they think they don't 'love' their spouse any longer. They simply never had a 'true' understanding of love, so maybe they're not really to blame. Maybe it's a deeper, SOCIETY WIDE issue today.

In The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage there is a key principle discussed in chapter 4 titled Infatuation... It can be good... and it can be bad... that is, if it is not understood for what it really is. 

Love is described and explained in a way which finally makes sense. As long as you desire (and are open to) maybe seeing it in a way you haven't before. We all have been, at one time or another, blindfolded by infatuation and lead willingly (as infatuation feels so good) to believe that it is love. Infatuation is simply not love

Take for example this couple. Meeting at the young age of 17 they instantly are drawn to one another. Everyone can see it. Others are in fact envious of the way they are when with one another. Over time they feel that they have 'fallen in love'. So... they get married. However, neither of them truly understands what love is supposed to be... in the marriage relationship. Yes, they are feeling all the romantic ecstasy and emotional highs that are a part of infatuation... but they don't understand yet the deeper... more important part of an enduring marriage relationship. So, when things in life happen... they feel that maybe they are falling "out of love" I mean, if you can fall into love... you can fall out of love... right? Or can you...?

'Infatuation can occur, on its own, without making a decision to extend true 'love'. Chapter 4 Infatuation The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage

Let's look at another couple. They meet a little later in life, say around 22. Although he was instantly drawn to her, she was not drawn to him, until later. Until she sat down and talked with him about her life, her disappointments. He listened and over the course of time they too 'fell in love'. Meaning, they were infatuated with one another (again, a very good thing if understood for what it is). When push came to shove, he was always willing to put her first. He loved seeing her happy, even if it meant giving up something of his own life. He never questioned her, but instead trusted and respected her. She in turn, adored him. They were well on their way to beginning to understand what LOVE in the marriage relationship should be.

"Only 'True' Love Endures."

Now, don't worry if you had the blindfold on. We all have at one time or another. That feeling when someone is infatuated with you (and you with them) is amazing. However, it comes and it goes, and has nothing to do with true, selfless love. Be bold and take the blindfold off. Discover what true love for another really is, be ready to delve into your soul and learn what it really means to love another, as a married couple should. 

We invite you to discover the 3 lost key principles to your forever, dream marriage by clicking here and getting a life-changing, heart-felt, truth-spoken, revolutionary new book on the marriage relationship.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Not Riches, Not Health, Not Fame, Not Power.. Can Compare to This!

They all fall miserably short when compared to living your life with your soul mate in a marriage relationship that is satisfying, fulfilling and exciting every new day of your life. Chapter 5, Only 'True' Love Endures, The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage

You've heard, 'it takes one to know one'. The above sentence speaks truth from one who knows what this is like. The author of The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage, speaks of a time in his life wherein, (by all outwards accounts) he had it all. The job, the beautiful wife, the kids and the list goes on. Yet, when he began to learn about the three keys to an amazing marriage, well, the truth and power encompassed in this simple sentence... became real to him.

All the riches in the world still can't quench our thirst for the one thing we all truly desire: A fulfilling, satisfying, exciting life with our soul mate. Not health, not fame or power will complete this precious place in our soul. 

Is your marriage relationship an example of this... or do you hope it can be some day? If you said yes to the latter, the quote taken above is from a revolutionary, life-changing (yet, concise and easy to read) book where three key principles every married couple needs to know are revealed for the very first time. 
What else is to there to say? Get your copy today!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

What are the Keys to a Dream Marriage?

Often in life we daydream about how our lives could be better. In these times of deep thought, we may turn on the radio for an inspirational song or open the newest enlightening book for insight. Perhaps your thing is to sit in the quiet with a cup of coffee, or a bowl or ice cream, and daydream about what you could be doing differently in life, or how you might change the "direction" of your life. One of the most common topics of advice books, blogs and websites is: (you guessed it) the marriage relationship. Since the 1930's couples have sought out marriage counseling and advice and it has only grown with the skyrocketing number of separations and divorces over the decades; and especially "our" decade.

During one such time of a man's quest to find what might be "missing"from his marriage relationship... he had an epiphany.
"I suddenly knew I was seeing something that was hugely important for me to see; something hugely important for our lives together." Chapter 7 The Day 'It' Happened , The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage

This epiphany was life changing for him. Although when it comes to marriage advice, there is a plethora of information to delve into; we believe the true keys to a great and enduring marriage, and they are quite simple...  have been lost to many (maybe most) over the years. In this concise and 'life-changing' book, The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage, the author reveals the three keys in which he has learned have been absolutely critical in the success of his own dream marriage of over 37 years. 

Daydreaming and true life evaluation is great for our souls. It's a time to inwardly assess what is perhaps missing in our lives or how we can be better, do better. If you find yourself "wondering", please get The 3 Lost Keys today! Listen to what one of our readers said:

"Such a simple but deeply life changing revelation. Worded in easy to understand language... I will place this book in an accessible position in my home."  Holly, April 11th, 2015 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Why Does it Matter: Gender Differences

We live in the age of equality. Everyone should be treated the same. Society would have us believe there is not a difference between boys and girls or men and women. However, we are not the same, are we?

'Or maybe closer to the truth is that they want to believe it so that they can make a more powerful argument about women having equal rights with men...' Chapter 11, 'The Way We Are: Men & Women, The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage

 But the truth is: men and women are just put together differently. Regarding the marriage relationship (between a man and woman mind you) there are significant differences; and aren't we glad that there are? Sure, there can be communication breakdowns and monthly emotional mood swings, but there is beauty in two people choosing to love each other and accept each other unconditionally. In spite of their 'differences'.

In The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage, the author clearly states what makes men and women different. He delves into what men and women desire, and the secret which perfectly aligns these to create a most amazing marriage union. In fact, these 'differences' between men and women are essential to the marriage relationship.

'Whether you call it evolution, the way God made us, or instincts given by nature, it is nevertheless true.' Chapter 11, 'The Way We Are', The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage.

It doesn't matter what you believe, but it is plain to see if you observe a marriage for any length of time, that men and women are just different. They were created this way. In this concise work, the puzzle pieces are clearly put together and a crystal clear picture is painted. The path to an amazing dream marriage can be yours.

Get The 3 Lost Keys today and begin to learn about, and put into practice, the 3 key principles this revolutionary book spells out in a short, easy read. Men who do not even like to read praise this concise book and it's simple principles. 

Do not put it off another day. Click Here to learn more!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

You can lead a horse to water...

A magic wand would solve everything, Jane thought as she sat crying about her most recent spat with John, her husband of nearly 15 years. She just wanted him to read the book. If she could just get him to, no make him, understand how a marriage is supposed to work, they wouldn't have just had this fight, again. If he would just read the book, then he would understand, Jane thought again. 

How do I help my husband/boyfriend to understand these principles and encourage him to see what our lives could be like and ultimately want them? Chapter 17, 'You can lead a horse to water...' The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage.

It all started innocently enough when Jane asked John about the marriage book she wanted him to read... the third time that week.

John sighed and said, "I know, Jane. You've asked me this numerous times. But remember, I am busy. I work hard all day and when I get in bed, all I want to do is sleep." 

Jane replied, "I work hard all day too and this marriage, our marriage, should be important to you too. I just want you to read it. Is that too much to ask?"

John was getting more frustrated now. "Yes, yes it is."

This really ruffled Jane's feathers. "Oh really? But looking on your phone for 30 minutes before bed isn't too hard, is it? You know, you could be reading during that time instead."

John shook his head. "You know what Jane, I'm not going to read the book. EVER."

'A goal is something you will do certain things for or take certain actions to try to accomplish.' Chapter 13, 'Goals and Hopes', The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage.

Goals are good for us to have for ourselves. However, as you can tell from Jane and John's conversation, pushing your spouse towards a goal you have for them, will only push them the opposite direction. You can lead a horse to water... but you can not make them drink.

In the book, The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage, Jane learned three principles that can transform a marriage. She strongly desired her husband to read it and learn them as well. However, in the same book, Chapter 17 discusses how a wife can better lead her horse (husband) to water. 

A magic wand would be nice. However, it is not realistic. Let the 3 principles revealed in this revolutionary new book transform your soon-to-be or current marriage TODAY. 

Transform your Marriage TODAY!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Way You View Love and How It Affects Your Marriage

"... how you 'see' and 'understand' LOVE, and the marriage relationship, will dictate how you 'act and react' (what path you will choose at the many and varied decision points), in your own marriage relationship." Chapter 1 'The Beginning: What is Love?' The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Very Own Amazing Dream Marriage

How we view love is dependent on our own unique past experiences and what we were, or were not, taught. Our expectations for marriage are born out of these experiences.

It's important to note in a marriage you have two people with different, aka subjective, views on love. What each of you saw demonstrated as love by your own parents was different and it affected how you view love. What you each saw on television over the years was different and affected you differently, again making your view of what love in a marriage is, very, you guessed it, 'different'.

Subjective: based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.

So how do you get on the same page when it comes to viewing love? Well, as intelligent human beings, we can be taught how to view something. For example, we are taught to follow the speed limit. We also have our own 'subjective view' on what we think the speed limit should be on the same road. Much like the speed limit, we have our own beliefs of what marriage should look like. Now, if we follow our own speed limit on the road, there may be consequences. Tickets, accidents, etc. The same is true for following our own path regarding what we expect love in a marriage to be, like when we are not on the same page. These are more personally catastrophic; and may even eventually lead to divorce and heartbreak.

There are 3 key principles everyone can learn about in the marriage relationship which can put you and your spouse on the same page. Although we can be taught the reason for speed limits and to obey them to 'get on the same page' as the law (and everyone else on the road for that matter), this doesn't mean we believe it. The same follows for love in a marriage; you can be taught or shown what love should be in a marriage so as to be on the same page as your spouse, but you may still hold on to your own 'subjective view' of what you 'think' it should be. To move forward, you must drop these false views of love and accept the truth and power the 3 Key Principles this book unveils.

Then, and only then, can you begin to learn and apply the 3 lost principles to your own Amazing Dream Marriage. 

But what version of 'love' in the marriage relationship should you agree upon? In our book, The 3 Lost Keys... To Your Amazing Dream Marriage, Chapter One titled 'What is LOVE?' covers the topic thoroughly. The short, concise book is revolutionary in today's world of so many separations and divorces. With just 3 Key Principles, every marriage in America and throughout the world can be transformed. 

Join the Conversation and discover your very own Dream Marriage TODAY!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Marriage Advice: Who do you turn to for Marriage Answers?

When it comes to marriage advice, we sometimes go to the wrong people. We talk to our friends, family members, even professional marriage counselors, whose own marriages have been less than successful. Why is this?


We often go to those with mediocre or unsuccessful marriages because we simply do not know anyone who has it all figured out.

You must ask yourself, what type of marriage do I want? If it's one in which you are growing closer to your spouse daily and being happier than you can even comprehend, then seek out and find those with EXPERIENCE in a thriving marriage. Do you know any?

Sure we have all "seen" those couples who have that twinkle in their eye and swing each other around on the dance floor like no one is watching. However, many of us don't actually know very many couples like this. 

In The 3 Lost Keys... To Your Amazing Dream Marriage, the authors openly share the all important (but these days not so obvious to many) principles which are the reason for their enduring martial success.

You can have that thriving marriage you've dreamed of... and the answers are found in this short and powerful work. 

Not only is the goal of Dream Marriages to revolutionize Your Marriage, but also to give you the tools for you to set an example in your family for many years to come. With the 3 Lost Keys firmly in your hands, your marriage, your kids' marriages and even your grand kids' marriages ALL can be marriages which most only dream of.

How can I say that? Because I've seen it. I'm living it. The Authors (who happen to be my in-laws; so as somewhat of an objective outsider, I can say honestly) embrace and live out the key principles in their book. Along with themselves, their five grown children, who are all either married or getting married soon, are enjoying marriage the way it was designed to be after learning about The 3 Lost Key Principles.

There are only 3 KEYS people!! This is easy, life-changing stuff. It's so simple, yet, can not be explained fully here. You need to read The 3 Lost Your Amazing Dream Marriage today!! It WILL change your Marriage!

Chanelle Bligh

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Men: Feel Like Something is Missing in Your Marriage?

It is not uncommon to hear those words when a couple goes through a divorce, "There was just something missing." Often it's a romantic feeling, a closeness, or what many refer to as 'falling out of love.' But is that really what happened?  Wondering what is missing is a question many men will have or wonder about. So, men, do you feel like something is missing in your marriage?

"...inside my spirit, I began to feel, well, that there was something more to be experienced in our marriage than I was seeing- maybe something more for my wife's sake than for mine." Chapter 7, The Day It Happened, The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage

Something more... is that what you feel like, men? That something is missing, or there is something more to be experienced in marriage? If so, in Chapter 7 titled The Day It Happened, from our book The 3 Lost Keys, you will find the story of a man just like yourself searching for the answer.

In fact, the entire reason this book was written, self-published and available today is because of the answer he discovered. For this reason alone, you should CLICK HERE, download, upload or ship the physical copy to your door today, and get reading. 

The book is very concise and to the point, yet is jammed-packed with wisdom that will literally change your life, your marriage and your heart. You will be amazed at the insights you see. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Love: One Word, So Many Meanings

"Get understanding of what LOVE truly is."

Do you know what LOVE truly is? Specifically in the marriage relationship? 

"Oh, most of us 'think' we know what love is, but when you get right down to it and you ask someone to define love in a sentence or two, you soon realize that their definition, what they 'thought' it was, is to say the least, confused, complicated or over simplified." Chapter 1, 'The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage'

We say, 'I love my job' or 'I'm in love with my new shoes,' moments before we tell our spouse 'I love you.' Now, do you really love your spouse as much as your shoes or your job? Well, that depends on what you mean, and do you know what you mean?

Love is simply most often, misunderstood. Especially the kind of love that should define the marriage relationship. 

You may mean you love how they look, or how they helped you with the dishes, or do you mean something more? Imagine your spouse's face. Then, ask yourself, what do I mean when I say 'I love you,' to them? If you feel any doubt, any confusion of what you do mean, you are not alone. 

In fact, I've been in your shoes. I can recall telling my soon-to-be spouse before we had our marriage counseling sessions, 'I love you,' and actually wondering at times what that truly meant. I knew I had strong, emotional feelings, but there were certainly times those feelings weren't as strong. Did I love him less at those times? 

Understanding love in the marriage relationship will help lead to a more abundant and fulfilled life. Take my word for it

Upon my husband and I reading Chapter 2 titled Understanding Love: The way it was 'intended' to be! in the book The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage, my life was changed. My marriage was able to begin with a truth not everyone gets to know: 

The truth of what Love really is.

But it really is just the BEGINNING. Understanding love in the marriage relationship is going to put your perspective in the perfect position to learn "The 3 Lost Keys... To Your Amazing Dream Marriage." DO NOT put it off another day!! 

READ IT, join the conversation, and we so look forward to hearing your successes!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Calling All Wives: Set the Bar High!

"...a tragic result of the beliefs of many in our society today in which the 'marriage covenant' has become nothing much more than something we 'hope' works out."Chapter 14, The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage

Imagine what your world, your marriage, would look like if you not only hoped for the marriage of your dreams, but it exceeded your expectations

Let's say you are just getting married. You haven't even spent one day as Mr. and Mrs. Jones... your entire future is a blank slate. You haven't bought that first car, house or time share. You haven't felt that excitement of your first positive pregnancy test or celebrated a job promotion. The expectations of your amazing life and future are at your fingertips. You can literally see the happy days ahead and can not wait to begin living them

That's the mindset we WIVES must have! Then... never to forget! 

Let's not only have "hopes" of our marriages 'working out,' but instead...ensure that they thrive! Having that close heart-to-heart connection with your spouse on a day-to-day basis, is not simply a pipe dream! It can be yours... 

In reality, many in society have the attitude matching the first quote. They are one foot in and one foot out. A common thought may be, "Well, if my spouse doesn't do ... or does do... this, or that again... I can just leave." The hope of a dream marriage is quite literally half way out the door as well. 

What's the harm in hoping for a dream marriage? You may get let down? Aren't you already let down by not having real dreams of an "Amazing Marriage Relationship"? What do you have to lose by hoping... and then finding out how... you can have an amazing marriage in the future.

Women of the world... Listen up!

In Chapter 14 of The 3 Lost Keys... to Your Amazing Dream Marriage, you will find the key to soon realizing your very own dream marriage. Wives have a crucial role... it has to do with the way we naturally are. And its amazing! Laid out in simple terms, you can learn what role you can play in obtaining your very own amazing, dream marriage.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Marriage Covenant vs Contract: What's the Difference?

Contract: an agreement between two or more parties for the doing or not doing of something specified. 

Covenant: an agreement, usually formal, between two or more persons to do or not to do something specified.

A covenant and a contract sound extremely similar in their definition according to BUT THEY HAVE ONE GIGANTIC DIFFERENCE!! A contract, as we all know can be broken. A covenant carries a more formal tone; as is expected since its origins are traced back to the Bible. Although one can have a covenant with their neighbor, landlord or business partner, here at Dream Marriages, we are interested in one covenant and one covenant alone...

The Marriage Covenant

"A covenant in simple terms is a contract that does not cease, it does not end..." an excerpt from The 3 Lost Keys to Your Amazing Dream Marriage
NOTE: Re-read this again, but this time OUT LOUD (if you
are in a place where you won't look crazy!)

This is critical information for those who are not yet married. Although this revolutionary new book is jammed packed with must-read content, this single sentence above (of which, the rest is in the book) is one every single engaged couple needs to thoughtfully consider before taking those all important wedding vows.

Those vows are in essence a spoken, mutually agreed-upon, marriage covenant. And its a beautiful thing to: 

'...actually believe in our hearts, that when we speak the words, "to death do us part," we truly mean to commit for life to our spouse." Chapter 16, "The 3 Lost Keys"

The understanding of what a marriage covenant is, and more importantly what it is not, is thoroughly explained in detail in Chapter 16 of 'The 3 Lost Keys to Your Amazing Dream Marriage.' 

Purchase it TODAY and get an extra copy just in time for all those SUMMER WEDDINGS!! The bride and groom will thank you 80 years later when they are happier than the day they first said 'I DO.'